Wednesday, January 18, 2017

New Years 2017- Day 13

While we were in Mumbai and in the Slums, we were not allowed to take pictures; however, I took one and was able to do a couple of short videos which I will post once we are in Singapore.  I just received a roof top picture from the tour company, so I have posted it on the Mumbai page, which is Day 11 – please look at it – you will be amazed as we were.
Our third stop on our tour of India was at New Mangalore, a city of 3 million people and they all seemed to be driving in Tuk-Tuk scooters.    There is a picture at the bottom of this page if you don’t know what a Tuk-Tuk is.
We did not have anything planned as we had been told that there really isn’t much here except a big city. Catholic churches,  temples and some beaches.
It cost a lot to take the ship’s shuttle to the town and back but we walked about 1/3 or a mile to the entrance to the pier and arranged for a cab to take us to the City Center which was a big modern shopping center in the middle of the town.   From there we walked a few blocks to the kind of street market that we love, lots of stuff and cheap.  Along the way we stopped at a local food market to buy a bottle of water.  We didn’t have the local currency and offered the owner a $1 and he said that was way too much and gave us change in their currency – he was very pleasant.  The cost was 37 cents for a bottle.
The market was a lot of fun.  First we had to find an ATM as they did not accept American currency.  When we found one, we had trouble figuring it out because of language and two local people helped me.  They were so nice we asked if we could take their picture and to our amazement, the Muslim lady said ok also.
Barb bought some bracelets at a very low cost and we hope that they gold color stay on past a couple of wearings!!  Local people were buying them so we hope they are good – they really looked good.
They for 50 cents we took a Tuk-Tuk back to the City Center Mall and next to it was a local restaurant where we had a wonderful meal and the total costs was only $7.37!!  Food, taxis and stuff are very cheap here.
We then took a taxi back to the ship; however, we paid a little more for a sightseeing trip to a beautiful Catholic Church and two temples as well as an old fort that guarded the harbor a long time ago.  At the Catholic Church, we once again ran into a couple, Mark and Nigel who we had eaten with on our second night.  They are from London and we hope to see these delightful guys when we go to London in October.

We had no expectations of what to expect when we arrived and it turned out to be a really fun inexpensive day, one that we enjoyed a lot.

The show tonight was a person called “Elton Jack” you did an Elton John impersonation and he did look and sound like Elton John so it was a nice show.
We had a good dinner with Brian and Sandy from London and then we went to the casino where Barb won and Ed lost for the 3rd straight session.  We are still ahead, but not by much so we hope for better in the future.
Tomorrow is our last port in India, Cochin and we don’t have anything planned so we will see what the day brings us.

My help at the ATM
Time to buy earrings
And now bracelets
Riding in a Tuk-Tuk
A great lunch
Great guys - Mark and Nigel

Buying a bottle of water at the market

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