Tuesday, January 2, 2018

New Year’s 2018 – Day 6

New Year’s 2018 – Day 6

We awoke to the island of Granada and another perfect day. Once again the temp was in the low 80's.

We have been here before and it is called the “Spice Island” because of all the spices that can be found on the island.

We went into town, walked around and basically did nothing but walked, for a couple of hours and then went back to the ship before noon.

We changed and went up on the deck to get some sun.  We are trying very hard not to burn as the sun is really, really hot.

We met Jeff & Vera again for lunch on the back of the ship and just relaxed before going back on deck for sun for a few more hours.

At 4pm we went to a presentation about the new Celerity Ship, the Edge.  It has not yet sailed and will start the week of Christmas in 2018.  We have it booked for New Years Eve and it should be a wonderful ship.

The show was a musical production number by the cast and it was really good. 

Dinner was as usual wonderful and then it was onto the casino where Barb broke even, and Ed lost; however, we are still ahead for the cruise – not very much but at least ahead!!

Tomorrow we arrive at Barbados – a British island that is very nice.

ps - Please pass on to Jacob Paul our best wishes on his swearing in – we wish we could be there.  We will sure be thinking of him and all of you.

Love and Hugs – Mom & Ed

Docked next to a Princess ship

A 340' tunnel built 125 years ago to get to the other side - yes we walked it.

We just had to shop!!

Ready for the evenng

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