Saturday, February 17, 2018

February – 2018 – Day 11

It comes up so quickly – and here it is the last day of our cruise.

Ed was up at 7:15am to reserve our deck chairs and to his surprise, so were a lot of other people. 
 Looked like some did not realize that we set the clocks back last night!  Any, we had a perfect location to enjoy the sun for the morning.

Ed went to the gym first for his ½ hour of biking and Barb got ready and we were in the sun by 9am to enjoy the morning.

We came in at 12:30pm and had lunch then went back to the room to clean up and go to the casino.
Ed had been invited to a $500 blackjack tournament and came very, very close to winning, but came in third.

After that we went to the show, which was a group of 5 guys singing British rock and they were way too loud and we didn’t think very good
Then we met Brian and Sandi and went to the restaurant Murano, a specialty restaurant as guest of the casino and it was a great meal – maybe the best of the trip.

The comedian who was so good a couple of days ago was having a late-night adult show, so we went to it.  His earlier show was better but this one was still funny

Then it was time to say good bye to Brian and Sandi – they have been wonderful to travel with and we hope we can do it again.

Next was our final trip to the casino where Barb came out even and Ed had a huge win.  This is proably our best casino trip ever!!

We finally left the casino at 1:0015am and came back to the room to finish everything and get a few hours sleep.

Tomorrow we will go to the Fort Lauderdale Marriott that we stayed at a week ago and then take the 5:00pm flight to Atlanta and then the flight to Bloomington arriving about 10:10pm.

Night from the Ocean somewhere close to Fort Lauderdale and see everyone next week. 
It has been a wonderful trip.

Hugs to all

Mom and Ed

The main pool deck at Noon

Relaxing on the upper level with a snack before lunch

Ready for the evening

The Casino Staff, Stephanie, Casino Manager and Angle, Casino Host

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