Saturday, February 10, 2018

February – 2018 – Day 4

We woke up late, but all we had to do today was go to the beach!!

We made it there by 11:30am and for the first day, it was full of people, all enjoying an 80-degree day, and a few clouds.

We stayed on the beach until 3:00pm and drove the 45 minutes back to the hotel.  We couldn’t take pictures on the beach but did take one interesting pictures that we have included below.

Along the way back, we stopped at a grocery market and drug store to get some items to take on the ship. Then it was shower time and we went out for dinner

The town and the beach front in Fort Lauderdale is really crowed as there are 5 cruise ships in port today and probably another 5 ships tomorrow.  That’s about 13 – 15 thousand people extra in town!

Barb wanted an authentic Cuban sandwich, so we drove about 15 minutes to a very local place called Nuevo’s Cubano’s and ate outside as there was no seating inside.  This restaurant has been owned by the same family who started it 238 years ago.  The sandwich we had was very, very good.

After that we drove back to the hotel and then walked along the main road in front of the hotel that runs along the beach with the beach on one side of the road and lots of shops on the other side. 
The area was crowded – perfect weather for a great weekend.

Then it was back to the hotel for a good night’s sleep before we board the ship tomorrow.

All-in-all, we have had fun at the beach, done a little sightseeing and ate at some really good restaurants with local food.  If the weather is this good during the cruise, we will be very happy!

Night from our last night in Fort Lauderdale.

Fun on the beach

Ordering the Cuban sandwich

Outside the restaurant

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