Wednesday, October 31, 2018

October 2018 – Day 10

Our next stop Curacao – and it is pronounced care –ah – sole.

Once again the high is to be 84 and the lot 80 – not a rain cloud in sight.  This island is not as dry as Aruba which only received 15 inches a year in rain. 

A really neat Dutch island that we have only visited once and had a fun time then.  The buildings in the city are all painted in beautiful pastels.

As we had no real plans, we took our time getting off the ship and walked into the city, the port of Willemstad, which is the capital of Curacao and the Netherlands Antilles.  They say it is one of the richest cities in the world in terms of culture and diversity.

We wish we could you a picture of the water, but it is the most amazing color and so, so clear.

One of the neat things to do is to walk into town via the Queen Emma Bridge.  This is a century-old pontoon bridge which connects the two sides of the city.  It swings open up to 30 times a day to make way for ship traffic.

We walked over the bridge and went over to the river side where the fishing and produce boats from Venezuala come in and sell their fish and produce right along the road.  They even have people at the edge of the road and all you do it drive up and then will sell you your produce without you even parking your car.  It was just fun.

Then we found a very local restaurant and bar.  When we went in, there was only one person who spoke English so he helped us order some local fish for a huge lunch.  We bought him a beer and he was thrilled.

Then we walked around the downtown area and then back over the bridge towards the ship. 
We had a $5 match play coupon for the local casino for the slot machines and we spent it without winning anything, but at least we didn’t lose!!

Then Ed took $40 and we walked away with an $80 profit.  Not bad for a couple of lucky minutes.  

We forget to tell you that we went into a local Aruba casino yesterday and walked out with a $100 profit.  Life is gooood!!!

It is hot, hot here.  While 84 might not seen terribly hot, when you are in the direct, very overhead sunlight here, it is almost burning your skin and we have a good tan.

No sunning on the deck today but it was a very beautiful day.

The show tonight was a comedian who was very, very funny.  Probably better than the last one we saw.  His is the first time in cruising that we have had two really good comedians on the ship.

After a fun dinner where Barb Freeman gave Barb her set of ears, we all went to the casino where Barb broke even and Ed lost just a little.

A fun day and tomorrow Bonaire where we have to get off the ship by 7:30am as the 6 of us have a private tour of the island - it should be fun, but we are not used to getting up early!!

We forgot to tell you that we book a great cruise for next October as we are going on a 12 night cruise to Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand.  That cruise is one of two left on our bucket list, the other trip being to Africa.

The view from our cabin

Ready to go ashore

A new best friend

Buy something and take a picture

Lunch ith our new friend drinking his beer in the background!!

That is where we had lunch

The city from the bridge

Barb and her ears

Barb Nuanne and Barbara - now that's scary!!!

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