Saturday, October 27, 2018

October 2018 - Day 6

What a beautiful day it was when we got up.  

Ed did his usual of going to get breakfast first and then to the gym.  Barb met him on deck later and also had a small breakfast.

Then we stayed out on the deck getting some great sun and working on our tan until noon when we met our friends on the back deck for lunch.

We went back up on the deck in the sun for the rest of the afternoon and met everyone at the casino at 4:30pm for a short session.  Barb lost just a little and Ed won just a little.

Tonight the show was a very good production number and we all say together to see it.

After the show, we all went to the restaurant Blu which is the restaurant for those in Aqua Class, which we all are. 

Dinner was wonderful.  Barb and Ed both had Salmon.

Then it was time for the casino where Barb lost a little and Ed had a big win.

Tomorrow the island of Grand Cayman where we plan to get off the ship via a tender, walk around for a little bit then come back to the ship and have lunch until the ship leaves port.

Going out for the afternoon

Going out for the evening

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