Monday, February 25, 2019

Day 5 -February 25 - Spring Miami-Cuba - 2019

Day 5

This is our first sea day and of course the first thing that we did after eating breakfast was go up on the deck and spend a few hours in the sun.  The weather was perfect, with no breeze except from the ship and not one cloud!

Just by accident we met Brenda  while we were out sunning and Brenda became our (mostely Barbs) sun deck friend.  A neat person who just seems to enjoy life and we hope to stay in touch with her along the way.

We went to the main buffet lunch and then went to the casino to play in the blackjack tournament.
Participants were assigned to one of 7 tables with 7 people at each table.  At each table, the top two finishers after playing only 7 hands moved onto the semi-finals at 8pm. 

Barb was given the opportunity to play and was one of the two winners from her table.  She played her hands perfectly to move on.

Ed played 20 minutes later and also qualified for the semi-finals!!

The semi-finals consisted of 2 tables of 7 each and the 3 highest scores at each table moved onto the final round.  Just by the luck of the draw, Barb was at the first table and played her hands perfectly and was one of the 3 moving on to the finals.

Ed was next up and he also was able to qualify for the finals at 10:30pm.

The finals were very exciting and Barb came in 4th out of 7.  On the last hand, Ed pulled a blackjack to tie for the tournament win!!   Instead of playing off, we split the money between 1st and 2nd.

All-in all a very successful tournament – that’s for sure.


Going out for the day

Now for the evening

The final table

The Casino Manager - Daniela and Dimi, our Host

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