Sunday, October 20, 2019

Day 5 - Sunday, October 20

We set our alarm so that the 4 of us could go to church at 8am.  Barb had been told by the hotel that the 8am mass was in English; however, when we got there we found out that it was in Spanish.  We stayed anyway!!

After church we walked the 3 blocks back to the hotel and had breakfast.

Then Ed took the rental car back and at 11:30am we met Barb & Tim and took cab to the ship.

Boarding was quick and we were eating up in dining room by 12:30pm.  We then spent the next couple of hours walking around the ship from the top floor down seeing all that the ship had to offer.  Barb and Tim had not been on this ship either so it was fun discovering the ship
After relaxing, it was time to go to the VIP lounge for a couple of drinks before going to dinner.
Dinner and the service were great.

Next we went to the show which featured a comic who was really, really funny and following the show we all went to the casino where Ed was even after an hour and Barb lost a little.

By now it is 12:30am so writing the blog before going to bed – enjoy everyone


Leaving the Marriott

Barb and her flowers

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