Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Day 7 - Tuesday, October 22

Today we arrived in Aruba a Dutch country that is a very popular tourist destination.  Of course the weather was perfect.

We got off the ship at about 10am and walked into town and down the main street of course shopping as we went and bought a few small items.

Then we went to the casino as we had $30 worth of coupons, $15 on slots and $15 for blackjack for each of us.  Barb lost her $15 of free money and Ed on his first play on a 1 cent machine hit for $23.00 so he took the money Day 7and went to the blackjack table.

Ed with his penny slot winnings
We both played and Barb lost her $15 and Ed was lucky and turned the coupon into a net of $100 so we left the casino with $123!!

Then we took a trolley around the center part of the town before buying a bottle of Kahula and taking it back to the ship.
Our waitress on the beach at dinner

We ate lunch on the ship and they went up to our favorite deck to lie out in the sun.  We stayed out until 3:30pm when we went inside, cleaned up and met Barb and Tim for dinner.

Dinner on the beach with Barb and Tim
We had arranged to have dinner on the beach at the same restaurant that we had dinner on before.

It was a fun sunset dinner on the beach, the food was wonderful and Barb and Tim also enjoyed it.

Then it was a short cab ride back to the ship and on to the casino where Barb lost a little and Ed won a little.

This is the first night we have been back in our room before midnight so we will get lots of sleep tonight.

Tomorrow is Curacao, one of our favorite cities.

The two Barbs trying on Aloe hand lotions
Night for now.

Riding the trolley

The trolley

Going out for the evening

Going out in the morning

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