Sunday, January 5, 2020

New Years 2020 – Day 7

Barb had lost her opal bracelet last night and we went back to the places we had been to about 1am and couldn’t find it.  First thing this morning, Ed went to Customer Service and someone had turned it in.  WOW!!

San Juan and the weather started out perfect and we stayed out on the deck until Noon when we went into eat.  

We arrived at San Juan at about 3pm and were at the dock at 4pm.  We left the ship shortly afterwards and went up into Old San Juan to a local drug store where Barb bought a pack of Prednisone tablets, the ones that she uses when she starts to get sick and just finished using.  They sell these here without a prescription so we bought a pack to have as a spare in the future.  The Pharmacist also heard her coughing and gave her a bottle of their own cough medicine.  It is very strong and we hope it works as Barb still has a bad cough.

We wandered a little bit more, bought some Kahula and were heading back to the ship when the rain came.  We got soaked by the time we got back to the ship, but dried off quickly and sat on the deck until it was time to go eat.

We met two nice couples, both from Ohio at dinner and had an enjoyable evening talking to them.
Then we went to a show with a great sax player.

As the casino did not open tonight, we are back in our room early.

Tomorrow is St. Thomas, one of our favorite islands.

Night for this day.

Here are some photos from the past several days and not in the correct order due to my usb hub broken on this computer.

Out during the afternoon at sea

Out for the evening

The fort at the entrance to San Juan harbor

Having lunch our first day

Leaving Ft. Lauderdale

Jordan - our new puppy at 5 weeks
Barb in our spot on deck

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