Saturday, February 1, 2020

New Years 2020 - Days 17 - 23 and the two weeks in between!!

To bring you up-to-date- here is what happen that we skipped two weeks on our blog.

Today is our last day on the ship The ship is the Carnival Horizon, the same ship we were on when this all started on Wednesday, January 15.

First of all, Carnival has been amazing. They have followed up every day since Day 1 in the hospital, including the ship’s doctor.

What happened:
Late night Wednesday, Jan 15 the ship’s doctor was called as Barb was having trouble breathing. They took her to the medical facility where the doctor was called in and he worked to stabilize her breathing.

He stayed with her all night and couldn’t restore her breathing to the proper levels
Thursday am we docked in Aruba.

Her blood oxygen level below 90-not good. Ship’s doctor was concerned he could not stabilize her.

An ambulance was called and we were rushed off the ship to the Aruba emergency room.
Her breathing became more difficult and she was diagnosed with the flu. Just a regular strain.

Taken to ICU as the flu was attacking her lungs.

For 3 days she was on a breathing mask & feeding tube and tubes in both arms. She was on the edge of not making it on 2nd day.

Prayer requests were sent out to everyone and all responded.

On the 4th day a turn for the better was happening

On the 6th day she was taken out of ICU & breathing mask was taken no longer needed.

On the 11th day - feeding tube gone.

On the 12th day - all tubes removed.

On the 14th day – Thursday she was released to the ship - same ship, same itinerary, just two weeks later and with Aruba and 2 days at sea left.

Feb 2 - arrive in Miami and drive home.

Right now Barb is eating well & her spirits are high.

She still needs to build up her stamina so she can walk unassisted, but that’s just going to take time.

As Barb doesn’t want to fly, we will drive from Miami to home, 18+ hours tomorrow, going 6 hours a day stopping every hour for her to walk.

She made it through this very intense emergency.


God is good - thanks for all your prayers - prayers work.

Hugs from both of us.
Ed & Barb

Pictures will follow
The first scary day!!  This lasted for 3 days!

Out on the deck the last day of the cruise - WOW does she look great!!!
She still needs a wheelchair at this point, but at least she is a lot better!
Thanks for all the prayers

As of Saturday evening, February 8, Barb is getting very tired beecause her endurance has not built up yet.  She will start breathing and physical therapy next week and that should get her on the final road to recovery.

As of Feb 9, She has not left the house since we have been home except to see her doctor.  The good news is that her blood oxygen level is at 97, which is what it was in December.  When they took her from the ship, the level was 88 and she needed oxygen to breath, so that's really good.

It is now April 8 and Barb is basically back to normal.  She has not been able to go to the gym because of the virus but she is doing just fine.  We are both fine and looking forward to the rest of the year.

Thanks for all the prayers - God is Good!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Prayers for Barb's continued recovery! Great to see that beautiful smile! Judy Cary (Barb's cousin from NY - Aunt Hazle and Uncle Howard's daughter.

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