Saturday, April 10, 2021

Spring 2021 - Day 6

 Another absolutely perfect weather day in Sunny Isle Beach with the temperature hitting 81 degrees.

After breakfast, we went to the beach for a few hours of sun.  We both have a couple of burn spots but are using spf 100 to cover them up.  Still, we can only spend 2 – 3 hours on the beach because the sun is so very hot.

After the beach we went to a Patagonia for lunch and had Caprese sandwich which was Proscutto, fresh Mozzarella, Pesto Sauce, lettuce, tomato and extra virgin olive oil.  It was good.

Then back to the hotel to clean up, change and go to a huge mall close by where they were having a weekend arts and crafts show.  The show was terrible so we then headed to Miami and went to one of the most exclusive islands, Palm Island, just off the causeway from Miami-to-Miami Beach.  One of the houses just sold for 35 million dollars!!

Then it was time to meet Reny our representative from Celebrity Cruise Line in the gambling department who we book all our cruises with.

Reny took us to a famous Cuban restaurant in Little Havana called Versailles.  On one of our first trips here we also went to that restaurant.

Dinner was wonderful, good food and seeing the person face-to-face who we talk to over the phone all the time taking care of our cruises.  For dinner we had a tropical ceviche and a shrimp cocktail followed by Dolphin Mahi-Mahi, sauteed with garlic.  The fish was amazing and the sauce was very, very good.

After dinner, we took the expressway back to the hotel and went to the bar on the 9th floor to have a complimentary drink that they have each night.  Tonight’s drink was a Pina Colada.

Tomorrow is our last full day so good night for now.

                                          Ed's breakfast plus an English muffin back in the room

                                                    Going out for the afternoon/evening

                                        A mulit-million home under construction on Palm Island

                                The most expensive home on the island - just sold for $35 million!
                                            Yes, it is on the water by the cruise port

                                               A typical older house on Palm Island

                                            Tropical Ceviche and shrimp cocktail for an appetizer

                                                    Dolphin Mahi-Mahi, sauteed with a garlic sauce
                                                    Probably the bet fish dish we have had on the trip

                                                    Reny from Celebrity Cruise line and Barb

                                                    Our very late night drink- a Pina Colada

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