Saturday, October 16, 2021

October 2021 – Day 1 & 2 5 days at Sunny Isle Beach, Florida and then a 9-night cruise on the Celebrity Equinox

Delta used to have an ideal flight, leaving Bloomington at 11:00 am and getting into Fort Lauderdale or Miami around 4:00pm. The bad news is that they deleted that flight which meant that we had to leave Bloomington at 6:00am – and of course getting up at 4:00am.

We had a 2 hour lay-over in Atlanta so it gave us time to go to the Delta Sky Lounge, take off our mask and enjoy a late breakfast. Then it was on to Ft. Lauderdale arriving at about noon. 

We were able to upgrade to a Convertible; however, it was a Mustang!! The car is nice in that it is a convertible, but it is not much else. Our room wasn’t ready so we ran a couple of errands and ate lunch and the room was finally ready. It is a corner room, high up with direct views of the ocean and the amazing condo right across the street. 

 Dinner was at a Peruvian restaurant that we had eaten at before and it was again a good meal We have stayed in this area at the Marriott Residence Inn a number of times so it is fun going back to some of the great restaurants we had eaten at before. 

 We were really tired and fell asleep at 9:00pm and woke up today at 9:00am!! 

In the morning, we ran an errand buying Kahlua and canned A & W Root Beer for the cruise and by the time we were ready to go to the beach, it was 11:00am so we decided to go eat lunch instead. 

Lunch was wonderful and finally at 12:30pm we were at Haulover Beach, one of our favorites. WOW was it hot and we were only able to stay on the beach an hour!! 

By this time, we realized we did a terrible job of packing!! So, we went to Walmart to buy Barb some beach crocks and also, they had Hawaiian Tropic suntan lotion with zero sunscreen.  We have not been able to find it and they had 3 bottles so we bought them all. 

 Dinner was at a favorite Greek Restaurant. We had a Greek salad, Greek meatballs and a wonderful Sea Bass on a bed of rice. 

It was 86 degrees today and the next couple of days will be the same. 

Tomorrow we plan to be at the beach by 9am and probably we will only be able to stay until Noon. 

We don’t board the ship and our entire schedule is beach, eat and relax. It is exhausting relaxing!! Night from Sunny Isle Beach. 
                                                                            Leaving home

                                                   The Mustang emblem on the ground at night

                                                       Leaving for the Beach for our first day

                                                                    Pastrami for lunch

                                                             View from our window

                                                                    Going to dinner

                                                                      Greek meat balls

                                                                          Greek salad

                                                                 Greek Sea Bass

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