Sunday, October 24, 2021

October 2022 – Day 10

We woke up to the island we have been waiting for Aruba.

This is the wonderful island that treated Barb when she was sick.

We were so excited to go to lunch with Dr. Becker who was one of 2 Pulmonologists who saved Barb’s life!!

First, we went off the ship to the Catholic Cathedral on Aruba which was a short cab ride away.

Our cab driver was Beverly and she has lived on Aruba all her life.  She was delightful.  She took us to the church and dropped us off. 

On the internet the service was to start at 10:00am; however, it was wrong and they started at 9:00am

We walked in a just after the homily and was able to partake in communion so that was good. 

When we got out, it was going to be an hour before Beverly came to pick us up.  A wonderful person had heard that we told Beverly to come back at 11:15am and said she would call her to pick us up early, which she did.

 We dropped Barb & Tim off in the center of the cruise port and Beverly took us to a store to buy a couple of items we needed.  Then she took us back to town, dropped us off and came back to take us to lunch.

Lunch was at a local restaurant called the Red Fish Inn Jason, Jeff and Ed had eaten there before.

It was a teary greeting when Dr. Becker arrived and we had a delightful couple of hours to eat, thank her and just enjoy her company.

We would out that the other Doctor had taken a position at the hospital on the island of Bonaire.    Dr Becker had his new email so that we could see if he could join us for lunch in a couple of days when we arrive in Bonaire.

Dr Becker dropped us off at the cruise ship and we walked around the cruise port for a little bit before getting back on the ship and going outside for about an hour of sun. 

We are actually south of the north tip of South America for the next three days so the sun is almost directly overhead and it is intense. 

We then cleaned up and met Barb & Tim and then had Beverly again take us to a restaurant on the beach called Passions on the Beach.  We had been there several times before including once with Barb and Tim and they asked to go back which were happy to do.

Dinner was wonderful.  We started at 6:00pm and soon there was a nice sunset and we had a great dinner – probably the best so far.

After dinner we came back to the ship and went to the pool deck for a sail away party that was really fun.  Lots of music – lots of dancing.

The ship does not sail for Curacao until midnight so the casino is not open.

That’s it for this day’s blog -

                                                    Going out to church and lunch
                                                             Inside the church

                                                                  The Church

                                                                Dr Becker arriving for lunch

                                                                Dr Becker and Barb

                                                              Downtown Aruba from the ship

                                                                    Going out for dinner

                                                Dinner on the beach at Passions On The Beach

                                                                    Barb & Tim

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