Sunday, January 2, 2022

Day 8

We awoke in Nassau, a place we were just at in October.

It was Sunday, so we arranged to meet Barb & Tim at the Catholic Cathedral for their 10am service. A beautiful church and a wonderful service.

After that we walked to the #1 5-star hotel on the island, the Graystone Hotel, a 300-year-old hotel with it seemed like every major star from around the world has stayed there including members of the British Royal Family.

History has it that the mansion was originally built in 1740 by Captain John Howard Graysmith, a famous pirate of the Caribbean who commanded the notorious schooner Graywolf and plundered treasure ships along the Spanish Main. His buccaneering not only made him rich, but it also brought him fame and he was greatly feared for his famous exploits.

We had a guide who walked us through the hotel seeing the areas that made history. After church, we took Barb & Tim there. The also had a cigar factory with Cubans rolling Cuban cigars!! Also, there was a chocolate factory right at the hotel.

Then we walked to the church for their 10am service.

After the service we walked back to the ship and had our last lunch for this trip in the Oceanview Café and we sat, as always outside on the back of the ship.

We finish lunch and when up on the deck for an 1 ½ in the sun.

We cleaned up for dinner which for tonight was at 7:00pm. We were the guests of the casino at the Eden specialty restaurant.

It was, no question the best restaurant on the ship and we had an amazing meal.

As we were there on the casino, they took especially good care of us.

Then we went to the casino and Ed lost at little - $100.00 and Barb broke even.

That was just fine as we protected our winnings which was one of the best casino winnings ever.

This ship was the nicest and the staff was the best of any ship we have been on.

That’s all for tonight as tomorrow we fly home, arriving in Bloomington at 9:55pm.

Our cruise schedule for the next year and 1/2 is:

Jan 22- Carnival Horizon with our 3 children and spouces

March 7 - Celeblrity Sihouette - Aruba, Bonaire, Curasoe

July 29 - Celebrity Millenium - Alaska

October 5 - Israel & the Medditteranean, Venice, Rome

December 30 - Eastern Caribbean - Celebrity APEX

March 5 - Eastern Caribbean - Celbrity Beyond

There is no question that this was by far the best ship and the best crew of any cruise we have ever taken. It started at the top with the Associate Hotel Director, Cameron Robertson and went down to every crew member we came in contact with. Thanks soooo much to Cameron and the entire APEX staff for this remarkable experience.

Thanks for following us.

Good night.

Going out forour final eveing

In the #1 restaurant on the ship - The Eden speciality restaurant
This was Ceviche

The kitchen from our seats - they are amazing!

2nd course - Braised short ribs for Ed

Crab Cakes for Barb

The Executive Chef preparing our food.  Notice the tweezers

Ed's Filet and Beef Wellington combo

Barb's Sea Bass on a bed of bubbles

Dessert - It started as a white choclate egg.  
They then  poured dark choclate on it and it opened up in a blossom to show the surprise dessert inside - amazing preperation and presentation and it tasted wonderful!!

Sade - Our wonderful casino supervisor who we have sailed with several times before.
She did an amazing job under a lot of pressure - thanks so very much for your friendship once again.

Alin - The Casino Manager who under difficult times with Covid, ran a wonderful casino.
Probably the best run on any ship we have been on.

Out Casino Host Cris - For her first time, did a good job

In the Delta Sky Lounge waiting for our plane in 5 1/2 hours
A great place to wait.  Barb's first Kahula's and they will also have lunch here.

A Make a Wish flight

Only 2 12 hours to go!!


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