Sunday, March 6, 2022

Day 4

It is Sunday and our last day before boarding the Celebrity Silhouette tomorrow morning.

Again, we slept in a little and then drove about 15min to St Matthew’s Church for mass.  It was a neat little church and the service was nice.  They had a singer who was outstanding.

Then we drove to the town of Weston which is right on the edge of the Everglades where we met our friends from Wisconsin, Pam and Eric Degelau and Jeff and Pam Beier. 

Eric was our sponsor for Corvette Adventures who also sold us our yellow Corvette.   Jeff and Pam were lead drivers at Corvette Adventures where they met each other and become life-long friends.  They now live close together and travel a lot together.  Pam and Jeff are retired and Eric and Renee have a very successful real estate business rehabbing homes prior to their selling them.  We are very blessed to have them as friends.  Another wonderful story of friends finding each other at our event – one of many!!

We had a great meal together at Bone Fish Grill.

After we left the group we went to the largest discount mall in southern Florida, Sawgrass Milles to look for a new wardrobe for Barb.  There are tons of suitcases on the market; however, we did not find a wardrobe for Barb as they are apparently are just not making them.  Time to look on Amazon!!

We came back to the hotel with first stopping at a grocery store to buy Ed some A & W Root Beer to take on the cruise.

Dinner was at a little spot on Sunny Isle Beach that served Peruvian food and dinner was wonderful.  Sorry, we did not take pictures of the food but it was a grilled salmon served Peruvian style, including a salad and plantains.

We were in our room by 8:30pm so that we could pack for the cruise tomorrow.

Night for now – next post from the ship

                                                                Going out for lunch

                                                  Choclate Warming Cake - it was sooo good!!

                                            From the left, Jeff, Pam, Ed, Barb, Renee, Eric

                                               A little hole-in-the-wall with outsanding food

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