Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Day 8, Tuesday, July 26

We woke up late to a beautiful day with the skies clear.  The temperature is going to be from 56 to 66 and it is very crisp as there is no humidity.

We went first to the mall to exchange an iPhone power pack and then it was on to a place called Ships Creek to see the Salmon running.  We had been told that low tide was at 1:39pm so it was a perfect time to see the Salmon.  It was amazing to see all the Salmon trying to get upstream. 

Along the way to Ships Creek, we did stop at a store and Barb bought a new coat and Ed bought a hat and gloves.

Lunch was again at a bar that Rick Snow recommended and it was very good.  We ordered Salmon spread and also Alaskan Crab nuggets and there was enough food for 4 people.

After that we had lunch, we walked to the Anchorage Museum where we spend almost 3 hours looking at all the displays in the Museum.  

The early history of the Alaskan people was really interesting.   They were living quite peacefully and each of the islands in the Aleutian change had their own language and customs.  Then the Russians came in the 1800’s and diseases decimated the population.  

Following that, the US government moved a lot out because of concerns during WW II.  In some villages they went from 10,000 to only a handful of people left!!

We got back to the hotel at 6:00pm, had some snacks in the Concierge Lounge and then went to dinner at 8:00pm.

Dinner was at a highly recommended restaurant called Simon & Seaforts Saloon & Grill and the earliest we could get in was at 8:00pm, which was fine as we ate a late lunch.  The restaurant has been in operation for the last 43 years.  

We ordered a pan seared King Salmon and it was the best meal that we have had on the trip todate!!

Tomorrow, we have to be us at 5:45am so that we can take the 6:45am train to Seward, a 4-hour trip.

Seward will be our last place we visit before boarding the ship on Friday.

Night from Anchorage

                                                  Watching Salmon running on Ships Creek

                                                               Lunch at Humpys

                                                         Salmon Spread and King Crab Nuggets

                                                                        Yes, we enjoyed lunch!!

                                              One of many displays - the white parka was made
                                                             from the guts of seals

                                              Going out for dinner - Barb with her new coat

                                                                Pan-seared King Salmon

                                                                    The cooking line at the restaurant

                                                                   Another view

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