Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Day 9 –

We found a private guide to take us to Nazareth, which was about 1 hour away.

It is very late, so I will post some pictures and we will finish this in a couple of days.

Tomorrow we will arrive in Ashdod, which is where we will meet a drive to take us to Jerusalem where we will spend the night before returning to the ship on Thursday night.

Tonight at the casino, Barb broke even and Ed had a very nice win –(Jason 7,7 against a 6 - $120, split, drew a 4, doubled, 10 on one, drew a 3, doubled and 9 on the other.    A great win.

Nite for now, and will finish this in a couple of days as we will not have our computer in Jerusalem.

                                                            Leaving for the day

                                                The Church of the Annunciatio - Where the Angle Gabrial 
                                        told Mary she was to give birth to Christ.

                                                        Going into the Church

                                                               St. Joseph's Church

                                                    Lunch with our guide - 12 items!!

                                                        Going out for the evening

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