Saturday, October 14, 2023

Europe – Day 7

 The owner of the hotel called us a cab, took our luggage to the cab and we were off for the next part of our journey – the cruise.

Genoa is now one of our favorite cities and we hope to come back and stay here again.

Boarding the MSC Seashore was very easy as we were met at the dock by a representative who took us directly to the Yacht Club check in area.

There a butler took us up to our cabin.

It is a very nice cabin with lots of closets and a huge bathroom.

After lunch, it took us 3 hours to walk all the areas of the ship.

By then it was time to watch the ship sail away and we after that we got ready to go to the show.

The showroom is smaller then on other ships we have been on; however, the show plays 3 times each night.  Tonight was a song and dance show and it was pretty good.

Then we went to dinner and have a fine meal followed by a session in the casino.

Barb didn’t plan and Ed played for a long time; however, didn’t come out ahead.

It is now 1:30am and we have to get off the ship at 8:00am to make the train to Rome.

Night from our first day of the cruise.

Leaving the apartment

                                                    The butler taking us to our cabin

                                                    The center of the ship

                                                        Now this is service!!

                                                        Getting ready to go out for the evening

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