Friday, August 29, 2008

Thursday and Friday, August 28 and 29

London and Paris – we saved the best of the first week for the last two days.
The pictures are:
The town of Windsor as we got off the train.
Windson Castle
The Cathedral of Notre Dame
The Louve

On Thursday, in London, we started out by taking the train to Windsor and visiting Windsor Castle which is the home of the Queen during the weekends. It is undesirable it is so beautiful. We took a tour with a guide and then spent another couple of hours just exploring on our own. Because the Queen is in Scotland for these two months of the summer, they let you see the State Rooms and some of the areas that are normally off limits.

Then we took the train to Hampton Court Palace which is the largest Palace in existence. It was wonderful, but after seeing real working palaces, if was really just another historical sight.

Then up till 11 wandering the streets and eating out. We finally went to bed because we had to get up at 4:30 am to catch the train to Paris.

Paris on Friday – wow.

We took the EuroStar high speed train and we didn’t even realize that we had gone under the English Channel. It was totally first class and very smooth – a wonderful train ride. They served us breakfast also.
In Paris, we first went to the Cathedral of Notre Dame. A beautiful sight but after seeing St. Peters in Rome, all other Catholic churches seem small and almost plain and they are, by comparison.

Then it was on to the Louvre which cannot be described except to say it would take weeks just to go by every exhibit and read the information they have. We saw the high lights like the Mona Lisa and some other famous paintings and sculptors and then left for a walk along the Left Bank where all the artists are. Saw some wonderful things.

We then took a boat ride along the Seine River and then on to the Eiffel Tower. They had closed the very top but we went to the second level and could see for miles.

Paris is really a beautiful city and we really enjoyed our day. It is so different, bright and lively compared to London.

Anyway back on the train, dinner and back to the hotel to pack for the cruise.

See you later!!!

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