Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wednesday August 27

For our Wednesday in London, we got up early and were the first to get to Buckingham Palace with hundreds more!! Anyway, the Palace is only open for 2 months in the summer when the Queen is in Scotland. We spent three hours walking a huge number of state rooms. These are rooms that are actually in use the other 10 m0nths of the year. They had a ballroom set up to hold a dinner for 78 and it was amazing to see.

The pictures are:
Westminster Abbey
Tower of London
Outside the Pub - the Audley

They we went to Westminster Abbey. This is the main church for the Church of England. It is very much like a Catholic church except more people buried in and under the Church than you can ever imagine. It is so beautiful to see inside. It will hope 8,000 for a major event and all the coronations are held in this church.

From there we went to the Tower of London, one of the biggest castles in London, maybe the biggest. We had a Beefeater take us on an hour tour that was really fun. From there we saw the Royal jewels that are kept there, including the largest diamond in the work, over 500 carets!!

Then it was on the Eye – this is the new Ferris like wheel on the banks of the Thames River. It takes ½ to go around and each capsule is air-conditioned and holds 25 people. It is over 400 feet in the are at its peak.

Then we ate at a local pub, had desert at the hotel with our friends from Florida.

On the way back, stopped by the local Corvette/Land Rover dealer. The new Z06 sitting in the window is priced at $125,000!!

Didn't get to take it for a test ride.

Well we are about to crash – what a great day.

1 comment:

Arzed said...

Nice and interesting pictures. I've taken the ride on London Eye sometime in August 2004. Do check out my blog at

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