Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tuesday - August 26

Tuesday evening of the first week.

Well after our first nights sleep we awoke to a typical London day, they told us.

It was very cloudy all day, 70 but too cold for shorts.
The first pictures is of the House of Paliament ane Big Ben.
The second picture is lunch.
The third pictures is at Kensington Palace.
The fourth picture is out friends from Florida.

We started out day with a tour starting at the top of Wellington House, walking down and around Buckingham Palace and to the House of Parliament where we had tickets to get it.

They only allow tours of Parliament when Parliament isn’t in session and what a spectacular time we had. We toured the House of Lords first and then the House of Commons. We were actually right on the floors of both houses. We also went into the rooms where the Queen puts on her crown before addressing Parliament. Everything was over the top to say the least.

Then we took the tube to St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is the largest in the United Kingdom, but is only ¼ the size of St. Peters in Rome. But, it was still impressive. We
did not climb the 536 steps to the top.

Another tube ride took us to Kensington Palace were we could go into 30 of the State rooms, which were used in the time of Queen Victoria. The other 430 rooms in the Palace are closed as member of the Royal Family still live there.

We met our friends from our first Rome trip who got in today from their home in Florida and went out to a very old English Pub. Barb had fish and chips and I had bangers and mash – it was fun.

That’s all for tonight a big day tomorrow.

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