Thursday, September 1, 2011

Europe 2011 - Day 2

The Market
The day started with a trip to the Boqueria Market in downtown Barcelona. This is a huge market, one of the biggest in Europe that sells every kind of fresh food product that you can think of. The market has been in the same place since 1217! We wandered around the market as they were setting out their products, had a fresh fruit drink and then left to go to our next stop, FC Barcelona.

FC Barcelona Statium
FC Barcelona is the home of the Work Cup Football team (Soccer to us). The stadium is huge and very, very impressive. We took a 45 minute tour of the museum and then all parts of the stadium, from the visitor’s locker room to the press boxes high up in the stands. What a stadium. There are no home games being played while we are here, otherwise, we would go see a game.

Then we took a taxi back to the market for lunch and ate some kind of sausage and rice with peas. We had some really good fresh fruit and then left to go to the hotel and change for the beach.

The City of Barcelona has 2.8 miles of beach and all was built for the 1992 Olympics. There are 9 beaches all separated by large breakwaters with a common boardwalk running the length of all of the beaches. Some are for families and some are not. We went to a very adult beach called Mar Bella and sorry we couldn’t take pictures on this beach. We stayed there a couple of hours in a very hot 80+ degree sun and finally decided it was time to go back to the hotel.
Field Level

After changing in our hotel, it was back into the old city of Barcelona to see some sights we have missed. We started at the Cathedral of Barcelona which was built in the 9th century. Then we took a Trixi tour of the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona. A Trixi is a bicycle that has a cab on the back where we sat and he peddled us on a wonderful 1 hour tour.

Our tour guide had recommended a restaurant in one of the main plazas so we had him drop us off there and we had a fun evening meal, eating and watching people in the square.

Back to the hotel and a walk along the docks and it was then time for bed.

That’s it for out second day – night.

Lunch at the market

The Ritz - we are on the 29th floor
The Trixi

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