Friday, September 2, 2011

Europe 2011 - Day 3

We headed for the church at the top of the mountain
We got up pretty early and headed for the subway for the first of four methods of transportation to get to the top of the Tibidabo Mountain and see the Temple de Segrat Cor., a Catholic Church. We got there in a subway, then a train, an electric street car and then a tram that went right up the side of the mountain.

Built in 1806 it is on the highest point around Barcelona. What a view we had from the top of the church after taking an elevator to the top of the steeple and then walking a little higher.

The Church at the top of the mountain
After visiting the church, we headed back down to the city, walked around also went in the oldest Jewish Synagogue in Europe. We almost missed it as you reach it through a little doorway that goes down into the basement of a building.
Then we hopped a cab back to the hotel to pick up Hawaiian Tropic and head for the beach. As it was yesterday, the beach was wonderful.

Back again to the hotel to change and then we went to the Spanish Village. To get there, we had to take 3 subways and a tram first stopping at the Castle of Montjuic, which while old, was not very impressive. Then we walked about 30 minutes only to find out that the Spanish Village was closing as we got there. We will just have to see that on our next trip!!

The oldest Jewish Synagogue

Then at 9:00pm we watched the Magic Fountain which is a spectacular fountain which is very popular because of its water arrangements sound and lighting. The fountain was built for the 1929 World Fair and it was fun to watch it come alive with a musical water show. It was about a 20 minute light, sound and water show attended by a really lot of people.

After a short subway ride, we were back to the main tourist part of town to watch people and do a little shopping, finding a really nice dish. A cab took us back to the hotel and in the main entry way was a whole line up of race cars that were parked there for the night. The lead car for the officials was a Maybach, a very, very expensive car.

Today we walked 10.72 miles, yesterday it was just short of 10 miles.  Good thing that we take the subway a lot.

The fountains
What a thing to do to a Ferrari!!
That’s it for tonight. 

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