Sunday, July 1, 2012

Arriving at Sausalito

Day 2

The deli for lunch

Oriental influence
We had the first good nights sleep in quite some time.  It seems like the entire month of June we were not getting enough sleep.  We left the room at 9:00am and walked down to the ferry pier and bought tickets to Sausalito

This morning, the entire bay area was covered in fog until about 11am and it felt like it was a light rain all of the time.

Sausalito is eight miles north of San Francisco across the bay and you can take the ferry.  It is a Mediterranean-style artist and boating community with a quaint shopping district.  We went there to take a 3 hour tour of the house boats that are docked on the north side of town and there are hundreds of them.  We took a cab to a deli, had a sandwich there for lunch and at 12:30pm, met our tour guide Victoria who is a local artist and very active in the boating area.

For the next three hours we had an amazing tour of the house boats.  Some of them were multi millions houses and some of them were almost junk.

After that tour, we took a taxi to the largest rescue program for sea mammals.  They had about 75 sea lions, sea elephants and seals. 

Then we took another cab back to the main area of Sausalito and walked around, ate dinner at a gourmet hamburger restaurant and then took the ferry back to San Francisco.
A house boat

It is cold here and everyone who lives here thinks that it is great.  We didn’t bring enough warm clothing so Barb will have to buy a jacket tomorrow because the high is going to be in the 60’s.  For sure we are not going to the beach!

We are back in the room early because we walked 5.2 miles today, we are tired and it is cold outside.


Not so nice

The Spaulding Wooden Boat Center

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