Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 3

The Bank

We started the day with a two hour walking tour of Chinatown, which is the largest Chinese community in the country.  Being in San Francisco meant we did a lot of walking up and town hills!

It was a fun tour and we had a good tour guide.  After the tour, we went back and ate at a Chinese lunch restaurant.  It was simply a walk in place, with no seats, where they were cooking right behind the counter.  There was a big sign that said no English was spoken and they were right.  I knew what to ask for and it costs us only $1.50 for lunch.  I know one item had pork in it and we have no idea what was in the other item and I wouldn’t do it again!!

The "Drug Store"

Then we took a bus to Union Square, which is basically the main high-priced shopping and entertainment area in San Francisco.  After walking around a little, we decided we could see these shops in any big city.  We went to a deli that had been recommended on the Travel Channel called Lefty O’ Douls, named after a famous baseball player and we had a really good corned beef sandwich.

Next was a bus to Fisherman’s Wharf where we took a two hour Gray line open top bus tour of the city.  We saw some areas that we wanted to visit and also stopped at the end of the Golden Gate Bridge to see it and take a break – what a bridge.

After the bus trip, we ate dinner at the Boudin bread factory.  Boudin is a very famous sourdough bread company and this restaurant is very busy.
The Fish store

Only 4.2 miles walking today.

At the end of the day we planned out the next three full days – it should be fun and we will share it with you.

Night for now.

The Fortune Cookie Factory

Barb bought some scarfs!!
First time we saw the full bridge out of the fog

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