Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day 3 – Tuesday, Christmas Day – December 25

On Christmas Day we awoke to great weather and clear skies

At 11:30 am was the grand brunch and what an experience this was for the entire family – wow what a food experience they put on.

After lunch, it was time to spend in the sun and it was hot.

Barb took Ethan and Molly on a backstage tour while the rest of us were up on the deck.

Ed played in the Black Jack tournament and came second by one chip!  Jason won the Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament so it was a great afternoon in the casino.

It was Formal Night so we all were down to the main foyer at 7:30 for formal pictures and what a group it is – all 14 of us dressed up and everyone looked great. 

It is a tradition at our house that Santa hides the Christmas Elf and this year he did it in the dinning room where it appeared at dinner.  Jackie, for the first time ever, found the elf!

Dinner was wonderful and then it was to the 11:00 pm show called iHollywood and it was a great production singing and dancing show.

Ed and Barb went to the Casino and everyone else browsed around the ship.

We went to bed at 2:00am – what a great Christmas. 

The Bill Stewarts

The Jason Zoggs

Barb with Jeff, Jackie and Jason

The Jeff Zoggs
Barb and Ed

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