Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day 4 – Wednesday, December 26.

We have arrived at our first port, Falmouth, Jamaica at 9:00 am.

We have been here just last November so we knew the port and town fairly well so it was fun coming back.

We arranged for a tour to Dunn’s River Falls for all 12 of the kids and grandkids and they climbed the falls and had a blast.  The is one of the major “must do” places in all of Jamaica. 

As we have done it before, we took a bamboo raft ride down the Martha Brea River and it was a wonderful, relaxing 3 mile ride down the river, piloted by our Captain Jarrrod using only very long pole.  We found out from him that he does one three trips a week and has been doing it for 25 years.  The trip was so peaceful and gently and it was wonderful.

Then we met the kids back at the cruise dock and took them into the town of Falmouth.  I think that they had quite an experience shopping in all of the markets.

We were back on ship for our 6:00 pm sailing for Grand Cayman.

The evening meal was again wonderful and the service was great.

After dinner, Ed went to play blackjack and the rest went to a terrible show, but the night was young so they all went into the lounge to watch Ed, who did well and Jason who was winning playing poker.

It is now time to go to bed as we arrive at Grand Cayman and have to get off the ship to meet our guide at 8:00 am.

Night from the sea!!


A gift for us

Our "Captain"
Ed's Lunch

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