Thursday, December 27, 2012

Day 5 – Thursday, December 27, 2012

We awoke in Grand Cayman, one of the prettiest islands in the Caribbean.

We all met at 8:00 am and we had arranged though the ship to be given priority tender passes which meant that we were in the very first tender to leave the ship shortly after 8.

We were to go to our snorkeling boat at 9:15, but since we were off the ship so early, they took us right away to our chartered boat.  It was a 36’ boat and we had it all to ourselves with Captain Eric and his helper Doyle. 

After about 30 minutes on ocean we came to a sand bar called Sting Ray City.  Wow, what an experience.  I don’t have any pictures to show because we were all in the water.  It was really fun to stand in waist deep water that far from shore and have dozens of Sting Rays swim up and around you.  Some of our group were afraid at the beginning, but soon everyone was touching the stingrays and all were having a great deal of fun.  The Captain was able to stop one for us to each hold and do the traditional kiss the nose of the Sting Ray, which is supposed to bring you 7 years of good luck.

Then it was off to two separate reefs for snorkeling which was amazing at each site.  The water was so clear and he fish were plentiful.  We all had a wonderful time snorkeling the rest of the morning. 

Before we left the reef, Doyle dove down from the ship and found 7 conch shells and the Captain proceeded to pull the conch out of each shell and made a conch salad for us – what a great experience.  Talk about fresh!!  It doesn’t get any fresher than that.

We then headed back to the dock and on the way the Captain and Doyle were on the top bridge and slowed and all of a sudden Doyle dove into the water and came up with a really big star fish for all of us to see.  He kept it alive long enough for all of us to touch and hold it and then it put it back into the water and we proceeded to head for the docks.

We finished the tour and were back in the main town a little past noon.  We all split up and when our separate ways.  We bought a Christmas ornament and a magnet and then took the tender back to the ship.  We ate lunch and then laid out on the deck until 4 when it was time for the ship to pull up anchor and head for Miami.

We walked around the ship at 5 doing “stuff” and then went to the entertainment show at 7:15, which was the mind reader from Americas Got Talent, Eric Dittleman.  Ethan was brought up on to the stage to help with one of the illusions and he did very well.  Eric put on a wonderful show.

Then it was onto dinner where of course the meal was excellent.  It is fun watching the kids, and some of the adults eating and trying things they have never had.  Almost every night, Jacob has three entries!!  It is just a great experience being with family and Barb not having to cook and prepare a meal.  Our tables are two tables for 8 side by side so we have switched table mates each night.

Then it was on to the casino and Ed had his first losing evening at blackjack and we left the casino with Jason still playing.

Tomorrow is sadly the last full day of the cruise and it will be at sea, so it should be a fun day relaxing for all.

Barb wrote a personal letter to the Captain and we have arranged a bridge tour for everyone in the morning. 

Night from the Celebrity Constellation.

Our dive boat


Diving for a Star Fish

The alive Star Fish

Our ship

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