Monday, October 14, 2013

Europe – Day 7

When we woke up we were in the Port of Piraeus, Greece, the closest port to Athens.

Before we left for the day, they pulled a large tanker ship right next to our ship and filled us up with fuel – that’s quite an operation to see.

We left the ship at about 10am and walked to the train station and took a subway to the center of Athens and the area they call the Plaka, which is part of the old city and a maze of street and shops.

What fun we had – Barb (we) bought a scarf, earrings, a neat little ring, beautiful white gauze top, a Christmas ornament a little house for our stairs and we ate our way around all day.

We went to the gigantic meat and fish market and walked around the stalls.   Then we walked across the street to the fruits and bought some beautiful grapes for next to nothing.

We then stopped to eat at a local restaurant where no one spoke any English.  We did a great job communicating with them and had a lot of food for less that $5.

Finally we took the metro back to the port and a bus from the train station to the ship.

After a nap – remember that naps are good – we sat out on our deck and saw an increditable sunset – and you think sunsets are neat over the corn fields of Illinois – you should have seen this one!!  Hopefully you can get some sense on it from the pictures we took.

We were to meet everyone at 8:00pm for a 1 hour session of blackjack.  David was the only one there on time, so he and I played and in 15 minutes, I won 12 of 14 hands and by the end of the hour had a nice winning session.

Dinner was the same wonderful food as every night.

The show was a “mind reader” who was not very good when we saw him the first night in the preview show, so we didn’t go to it.

So, we all played another session and after 1 hour, I was ahead and Barb had already won at slots so we both quite for the night.

Tomorrow we land in Turkey at the port of Kusadasi.


The flea market

Must have that scarf!

The meat market

How about rabbitt

Lunch was ???

A leather shop


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