Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Europe – Day 8

When we awoke, we were already docked at the port of Kusadasi, Turkey which is the gateway to Ephesus, which is the showplace of Aegean archaeology having been built in the 10th century BC – now that’s old!!  While the roofs are not on the buildings, the walls and major parts of the city are still in place and it is a great place to visit.  It is also the home of the Virgin Mary and the place she died.

As we have been here twice before, we are simply getting off the ship and walking around town, and of course, shopping in the Turkish bazaars.  Barb bought a green sort leather coat here and they are know for their leather products.

There is also a great beach call Ladies Beach; however, we do not want to take the chance to go there with the medicine that Barb is taking which says to stay out of prolonged sun. 

In town we started at one end and went up and down and across the streets of this gigantic bazaar until we had walked everywhere.  The prices are amazing.  Barb bought 4 pairs of Toms, 2 scarves, placemats and Ed bought 5 shirts plus we bought some trinkets, of course.   Life is good.

We also ate a Turkish sampler platter and then later we split a great sandwich in this little out-of-the way shop.  When we stopped, they gave us a sample of their meats and we were hooked.  We also noticed that they did a huge take-out business with the locals.

We then want back to the ship and relaxed for a little, including a nap.

After a nap, it was time to walk around people watching and then we went to the early show which was a juggler.  Then it was time to play a session of blackjack at 8:00 pm

Dinner this time was in the specialty restaurant Tuscany as a guest of our Casino Host Andrea.  This restaurant is one of the restaurants that there is a separate charge because of the extra quality of the food and service and we were pleased that Andrea invited us to go as her guest.  The food was really good, but the service was not up to par for that restaurant.  But, we were with friends and Andrea joined us and also the Casino Manager, Annette and we will be with both of them on our November 30th cruise so it was fun getting to know them in a social environment.

The entertainment was a juggler who we have seen before so we went right to “work” in the casino.

Ed did well at blackjack and Barb played a little slots but didn’t win anything.

Time to go to bed and get ready for the next city we will visit – Rhodes, Greece.

Night - Night

Please buy my scarf - of course she did!

Sampler Platter

Lots of "Stuff"


Another scarf shop

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