Saturday, October 17, 2015

Europe – 2015 – Day 10

This was our first trip to Split, Croatia and it was a fun stop.  The nice thing is that we had to set our clocks back one hour and we didn’t arrive in the port until 10:00am, so we really got some great sleep.

We were off the ship by 10:30am and walked into the old city.  There were a lot of ships in the port and so the old city was very crowded.  

The city is quite large, 200,000; however, ½ of the population is in its 20s so it is a very young city. 

The old city is actually 10 acres of a very old palace started 1,700 years ago.  It is an amazing place where shops, hotels and cafes co-exist with the old historic buildings and fragments of columns and arches within the thick walls of the palace.  We were told that it took 20,000 slaves 10 years to build!

While walking around, we discovered a huge market and ended up eating lunch there.  I have attached a picture what we ate and the store owner, could not describe it to us other than to say it was some kind of meat with a sauce on wonderful bread.

Then we decided to go to a specific beach and we asked a cab driver and he said he knew where it was.  When we got to the beach he took us to, it was not the one we wanted.  So, he drove for another 15 minutes to a beach that was perfect.  The agreed price was 200 Croatian Kuna which was for a round-trip for both of us and he would wait.    There were only about 5 people on the entire stretch of beach, which was wonderful and at the end of two hours we walked back to our waiting cab.  When he drove us back to the ship, Ed gave him 200 Kuna plus a 20 Kuna tip and he demanded to be paid 700 Kuna for all the extra driving – even though it was his fault he first took us to the wrong beach.  We were right next to the ship so after a little shouting by the cab driver, Ed put the money on his arm rest and got out of the cab and we “ran” for the ship.  It felt great getting on the ship!!

Then we snacked and took a well deserved nap.

Then it was time to go to the show which was one of the best song and dance shows by the cast we have ever seen on a Celebrity ship.

Of course the next thing we did was have a great dinner and then onto the casino where Barb broke even and Ed loss.

 At the casino we found out that a man had jumped from his balcony a couple of days ago and died – what a terrible tragedy.

Our friends are Mets fans, so let’s hope the CUBS are victors – GO CUBS!!
Part of the castle

The entire old city grounds

Lunch - Mystery meat and great bread

Local butcher shop

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