Friday, October 16, 2015

Europe – 2015 – Day 9

Today we arrived in Corfu, Greece.  Corfu is a very small island lying at the entrance to the Adriatic Sea.  As it typical, it is a small island, less than 230 square miles.

60% of the island is covered in olives, citrus fruit trees and vineyards.  The olive oil produced here is supposed to be Greece’s best.
Our plan was to go to the old city and browse the winding streets and do some typical tourists shopping and they head to a beach: however, when we arrived it was cold, raining and not a good day for a beach.
We hopped on the shuttle bus with a jacket on and our umbrellas and went to old town.

There we wandered and of course shopped and shopped.  Even though it was lightly raining, we had a good time and this is a wonderful old city.  We had hoped to go to the beach but the clouds never parted.
We ate lunch at a marvelous restaurant and ordered 3 appetizers.  One was salmon, one was stuffed artichoke hearts and the third was brochette (sp) with sardines.  There was way too much food so we shared some with people in the tables next to us.

Then we finished walking and took the shuttle bus back to the ship. 
It was a little early, but certainly time for a nap, which we did until 5:30pm when we got up and went out for the evening.
The show tonight was a stand-up comedian from Britain and he was not able to make the ship as his plane was late so they brought in two people who we had just seen, a piano player and a singer.  They were good.

Then we walked around and people-watched and listened to music until it was time for dinner.

We ate at 9:00pm and the dinner was very good, as was the service.

Then it was onto the casino where Barb lost just a tiny bit and Ed won nicely.

Tomorrow we arrive in Split, Croatia, a town we have never been to so it should be fun.

Night – GO CUBS!!

Buying placemats

and now a new purse -she deserves it!!

Inside a Greek Church

Honey on a pastry beforelunch


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