Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Spring 2016 – Day 11

This is our second from last sea day and we would normally sleep later than when we are in a port; however, that didn’t happen and we both woke up early.  Ed ate breakfast while Barb got ready and we were both on the deck in wonderful sun by 8:30am.

By 11:00am Barb realized that maybe we were close to burning and so we went in, cleaned up and walked around until it was time to meet everyone in the AquaSpa for lunch at 12:30pm.

After lunch, while Ed was talking to the future cruise sales office about a cruise/tour that included Africa, Barb hit a nice jackpot in the Casino!!

At 2:00pm we went to see a singer/comedian who had preformed earlier in the cruise and she was fantastic.

Then we all went to the casino as they were holding a drawing at 3:00pm for cash prizes.  We didn’t win any of the prizes; however, we all had a huge run at the blackjack table and after 1 hour all of us got up from the table together with nice winnings.  That is the first time we think that has ever happened to all of us.

The 7:00 pm show was a show called “Reckless in Vegas” and it was a terrible show featuring songs of the 1960’s by a trio of performers and they attempted to sing the songs as if they were rock songs.  They were very bad. Jeff said they were talented but there was no excuse for poor taste!!

As usual, we went to dinner and then to the casino.  Dinner tonight was excellent and in the casino, Barb broke even and Ed had a great run.

Tomorrow we arrive at Georgetown on the island of Grand Cayman – our last stop and second to last day of the cruise.

Night for now.

Going out for the afternoon

Time to go to the Casino

Going out for the evening

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