Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Spring 2016 – Day 12

Here we are at our last port, Georgetown, Grand Cayman before heading for home.  They have no docking facilities here so we had to tender in.   The good news is that we did not use the ships lifeboats but tenders from Grand Cayman which held 250 people in each boat.  They started boarding at 7:30am and we left the ship at 9:30am. 

As we have been here a lot, including with the kids a couple of years ago, we simply wanted to get off the ship and walk around town and buy a magnet and a Christmas ornament, which we did and of course a couple of other items. 

We went into a local church where there was a lady playing the piano and sat and listened to her for awhile- it was beautiful music. 

Then we stopped at a local food stand during a brief rain and split a conch salad cooked with lime juice.  It was a little spicy but good.  They did not have Coke, so Barb didn’t order anything to drink.  A little later, the owner comes back to the stand and he had when out and purchased Coke at the local market – wasn’t that special and he even went there in the rain, just for Barb.

We then walked back to the pier and took the boat back to the ship, just in time to meet everyone for lunch.  As Ed had already had a healthy lunch, he went to the grill on the pool deck and got one of their delicious hamburgers!!  We all sat on the back of the ship outside eating and just talking.  After we left last night, everyone won a little so last night was a good night at the blackjack tables and we had fun talking about it.

Since it was only 2:00pm when we finished eating we then went up on the sun deck and sat for a couple of hours before coming in – wow was it hot.

The entertainment tonight was a fantasy show by the production cast of the Equinox and it was pretty good.

Dinner of course was good and then we went to the casino where Barb only lost a little and Ed won a little – so it was a good night.

Tomorrow is our last day and we will be at sea, heading north towards colder weather and home.

We miss everyone and we will be home Friday at approximately 5:00pm.

Night for now.
Fresh fish for sale

In the old church

Lunch in town

The Carnival Paradise - the ship we took the kids on 17 years ago

The view from our balcony with 4 other ships in port

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