Sunday, July 3, 2016

July 4 - 2016 - Days 1-3

July 4 – Day 1, 2 & 3

Day 1 – We left our house at 7:00am and headed for Harrisburg, PA a 13 hour trip.   Everything when well and we switched drivers every couple of hours.  When Barb was driving on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, all of a sudden we came to a complete stop.  We found out from the Waze app that there was a major roll-over 9 miles from us.  We waited an hour before finally moving again.  From what we read, the cars at the head of the line waited for 2 ½ hours!!

After we finally started moving, it was after 8pm so we stopped at the first tollway rest stop for a bathroom break and something to eat – big mistake on eating.  We ate at Burger King and the food was terrible – but we ate most of it.

We then got back on the turnpike and had an uneventful final part of the drive and checked into a TownPlace Suites in Harrisburg and crashed for the night.

Day 2 – It was a beautiful day when we left the motel and went to Hershey, PA to the Hershey Chocolate Company.  Barb had been there before, a long time ago, but Ed had not.  We arrived just before the main building opened and so were able to park close and get in before the crowds got there.

We started out with a free 30 minute simulated factory tour which was really very good and the best tour that we took all morning.

We also had a tasting “class” which was fun and a tour of the town of Hershey which not very good!  It was a fun ½ day and then it was time to head for New Jersey.

We arrived at our hotel in time to check-in and then we went to Liberty Park to took a boat to Ellis Island – wow – what an interesting site to see.  We only had a little time but we were glad that we went. 

Then we took the ferry back and drove to mid-town Manhattan and went to Jeff and Vera’s new apartment which was only a couple of blocks from the UN on the East River.  It was a beautiful place and they had totally gutted the apartment that they purchased and made a beautiful, very modern apartment – which they own.  Tim and Barbara from Virginia were also there as they had come in the day before and were staying at Jeff and Barb’s.

We followed them in our car to an Italian Restaurant and were joined by our friends David and Barbara, also from Long Island.  We had a very good meal and then said good night to everyone.

Day 3 – We slept in a little and took a Uber car to the port arriving at 10:30am and were in our cabin by 11:00am.  After leaving our bags on the bed as they still had some cleaning to do, we walked around a little and then met everyone for lunch on the back of the ship.  After lunch we went to our room and unpacked and then met everyone again on the top back deck to watch the ship leave the New York harbor.  Jeff and Vera were pointing out all of the sites as we left.  Then ship just cleared the bridge and then we were out into the Atlantic heading for Bermuda.

The show was a comedian who was pretty good. 

Jeff and Vera and Tim and Barbara had purchased suites and there is a special restaurant for just people who are staying in suites; however, the casino upgraded us to allow us to eat in the suite dining room so we could eat with the other two couples and the food was outstanding.

Then it was on to the casino where we found out that we knew a number of the staff so it was fun talking to all of them again.

We had a great night in the casino and both Barb and Ed won.

Tomorrow is the first of two sea days before we get to Bermuda so it will be fun and relaxing.

Night – sweet dreams!!
Outside the main entrance to Hershey World

On the top deck leaving New York

A beautiful lady!!

Leaving New York behind us

Very close going under the bridge

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