Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Asia – 2016 – Day 14

What an amazing day we had in Bangkok and coupled with the day before, this is one of our favorite ports and we would love to come back sometime.

We had a wonderful night’s sleep at the Bangkok Marriott and had a fast breakfast in order to meet out guide who was to be there at 8:00am.  To our surprise, the guide was actually a husband and wife team and they were very, very good.

Our morning started out by taking the subway to the riverfront where we boarded a boat for the trip up river to the Presidential Palace.  Then we spent the next couple of hours seeing the massive temple area and then the Palace.  The pictures and videos that we took do not even come close to showing how spectacular the place was.

After the tour, we walked a long ways to a market where we ate some great street food, trying out new foods.   Then they took us to a typical Thai restaurant.  Our guides ordered for us and we were served 6 different dishes for lunch.   Lunch plus dessert came to a total of $8.31 in US dollars!!  Amazing!

After lunch we took a cab back to the hotel so we could pack and meet the shuttle bus which was to leave at 2:00pm.  As it had started to rain, it took a few minutes to get a cab and then we hit massive traffic.  We finally arrived at the hotel at 1:15pm, literally threw our clothes in our bag and hurried to the bus which was several blocks away.  We couldn’t take a cab as the traffic was so bad so we had to walk and arrived at the bus with 10 minutes to spare.

By the time we got back to the ship, our country had witnessed the election of a new President – Donald Trump.  Coupled that with of course the Cubs winning and it has been an amazing few weeks.

The show was 3 performers from Australia singing song from Queen and dinner was very good.

Following dinner, Barb lost just a little and Ed had a good win.

A really fun couple of days it has been and now we have two sea days until we get to Singapore.

Check back after we get to Singapore as I will post some great videos.

Night for now.
Our tour guides

In the Temple

More of the Temple

Buying a skirt

Following is all of the food we ate for lunch
Port on a stick
All of the courses for lunch

Trying some new fruit

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