Friday, November 11, 2016

Asia – 2016 – Day 15 - 16

Day 15 - 

The last of two sea days started out as a partly cloudy day so we did not do out on the deck after Ed had breakfast and was at the gym.
We went to a presentation about our final port, Singapore and heard about the early years of the city/country of Singapore and that used up the morning.

We also saw a very powerful quote as follows:
"If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay at home."  James Michener
Then we went to the buffet and ate and ate, probably too much, but we had fun, just grazing through the food.  It was the first time that we had eaten lunch at the buffet and they selection was very good, with lines of Italian, Mexican and Asian foods and also American food – quite a good selection.  The buffet has changed over the last several years to offer a lot more different foods.
Next we went to the casino where Barb attempted to qualify for the end of the cruise slot tournament.  She was in the final 7 until yesterday and then was bumped out.  She still has a chance to get back in as the final qualifying round is tomorrow before the final.  Ed is so far in the final round and they have only one qualifying round left tomorrow.  The winner in the final round wins a 7 night Caribbean cruise – so wish us luck.
After the casino we had dinner in the specialty restaurant called Quisine with our Casino Host Dee.  She spent a couple of hours and had a lot of fun.
Then we went to the show which was a couple who were aerialist, the female was an Olympic Gymnast and they both are from Moscow.  We have seen them a couple of times before and they are a very successful act.  Towards the end of the act when he was holding her about 15’ above the ground, she fell, he was let right down and carried her off the floor.  The rest of the show was cancelled and we don’t know her status at this point.
The casino was busy tonight as there is only one night to go in the casino as the last night we are docked so the casino is not open.
Barb did very well and Ed lost.  Only one more day for the casino – so wish us luck.
Day 16 -

In the morning, Ed went to the gym, had breakfast and then we went up on the deck for some great sun; however, it only lasted about an hour and then it really rained hard.

So, we went inside and went to a presentation about Singapore.  This is going to be a fun port to visit.

There is virtually no crime, the unemployment rate is 1.6% and they have system that gives health care for everyone at a fraction of the cost in the United States.  They also have a program that everyone belongs to that makes sure that everyone can buy a house and live with a comfortable retirement.

After the presentation, we ate lunch and then went to the casino for the final qualifying round in the slot tournament that was to award a free cruise to the lucky winner.

Ed qualified for the finals on the first sea day, Barb was in it and got knocked out so she tried again today and didn’t make it; however, they drew for the final seat and Barb was able to get into the finals.  That gave us 2 of the 8 seats to win a cruise and guess what –


What we won was a free 7 night Caribbean cruise with a balcony cabin.  We get to pick the cruise or we can have $1,200.  It is good for a year from today, so we will decide what to do when we get home.

We also played a session and Barb lost a little and Ed won.

Then we saw a great production show with the Celebrity singers and dancers and had a good dinner.

We had a really nice table and met some nice people.  One of our tablemates lives in Bombay, were we are going next so she gave us some pointers as to what to do.

After dinner, we played our last secession in the casino and Barb won and Ed lost.  All-in-all, it was one of the best casino wins we have every had – the 5th best cruise in terms of winning – and in addition we won the free cruise.

Tomorrow morning we dock in Singapore; however, the official last day is the next day.  This means that we will spend the day and evening in Singapore, come back to the ship and the next day leave and check into the Singapore Marriott for a few days.

Night for now -
Just a little something extra for lunch
Ed with Dee, our wonderful Casino host

Going out for the evening

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