Sunday, January 15, 2017

New Years 2-17 – Day 10

Our third sea day in a row and our plans were the same as yesterday except today the sun was perfect.  Very bright, not to (80 degrees) and a slight breeze.
Ed woke up early and had breakfast and went to the gym to exercise.  After that we went to the deck to get some sun and it was a perfect day to do so.
Lunch was grilled pork medallions in the Aqua Spa Café and then we went to the casino.
Ed played in another session of the blackjack qualifying tournament, but didn’t qualify but we have both qualified for the slot tournament.
After that, we both played a session in the casino and both lost just a little.   .
At 4:00pm we once again had some snacks from the buffet and went back to the room to relax before going out for the show and dinner.
The show tonight was a cast production show called “Land of Make Believer” and it was very good.
Last night at dinner, we had met a couple from London and we met them again tonight as we having so much fun and still had tales to tell each other.

We had so much fun with them that we are going to eat together tomorrow and share more stories.
After dinner we went to the casino where Barb lost and Ed had a good win.
Tomorrow we start the first of four port days in India – this is going to be interesting and we are very excited to be experiencing this country and culture.
Night from the Arabian Sea.

Going out for the afternoon

4:00pm snacks

Time for the evening

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