Saturday, January 14, 2017

New Years 2017 – Day 9

Ed woke up early and had breakfast and went to the gym to exercise.  After that we went to the deck to get some sun, but it really wasn’t out so we only stayed out for a little while.

Basically, we then just walked around looking at the ship, talking to people and doing nothing all morning.

Lunch was grilled salmon in the Aqua Spa Café and then we went to the casino.

There was a 2pm slot tournament and we both qualified for the finals.  Then Ed played in another session of the blackjack qualifying tournament, but didn’t qualify.  There is one more day to qualify.

After that, we both played a session in the casino and both won nicely.   We are ahead nicely; however, this is only for 6 sessions and we have 17 potential sessions to go!!  Wish us luck.

At 4:00pm we had some snacks from the buffet and went back to the room to relax before going out for the show and dinner.

The show was a Joe Crocker type singer from the United Kingdom who while he was good, was also very loud.

Then we had dinner and this time met a delightful couple from London and they are going to join us tomorrow for dinner also.

We had to hurry dinner as there was an invitation only slot tournament and Barb was invited.  It was a free tournament and the winner received $300 in slot credits.  Barb WON!!  So, she received an instant $300.  Ed played blackjack and lost just a little, so it was a positive night.

Tomorrow is the last of the 3 consecutive sea days before we reach India and we are hoping for pure sun shine.
Happy Birthday Ethan.

Night from the Arabian Sea.
Going out in the afternoon

Our afternoon snack

going out for the evening

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