Sunday, January 22, 2017

New Years 2017 – Day 17

A sea day and when we woke up after turning our clocks ahead 1 ½ hours, it was very cloudy.  Later on in the day there was even thunder and rain.

Ed had breakfast and went to the gym while Barb work up and we walked around and didn’t do anything exciting.

Towards noon, we ran into Brian and Sandy and sat with them for an hour or so and just talked.

Then we went to lunch in the Aqua Spa and had a grilled pork chop and vegetables.

Later Ed played and lost and Barb lost just a little. 

We had been up really a lot earlier and now we are behind a little, but we had several days left.

The show tonight was a lady who gave a very good singing performance.

Following the show we again ate in Blu; however, Brian and Sandy had another commitment so we had dinner without them.

Then we went to the casino where Barb broke even and Ed won

Certainly this was a relaxing day – but very boring!!

Tomorrow is another sea day and we hope for great weather.

Going out for the evening

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