Monday, January 23, 2017

New Years 2017 – Day 18

Another sea day and another day without sunshine so, Ed ate breakfast, went to the gym, Barb woke up and we went to presentation about Thailand.  It was interesting hearing the history of this country that was once called Siam.

We have been in Thailand once before, last year when we went to Bangkok and we really enjoyed it.
After the presentation we walked and people watched for a while and then went to lunch.
Lunch today was poached salmon and it was very good.
After lunch there was an afternoon performance by the singer from Great Britain that we heard last night and she was again very, very good.
Then Ed played in the blackjack tournament and came in second to a person who had a blackjack on the last hand.  But at least 2nd place paid out money.
Barb didn’t play slots but Ed played black jack and had a great run, the most of any session so it was a fun afternoon.

The show was the third production number from the cast and it was all about music around the world.  It wasn’t as good as their past two performances, but still pretty good.
Dinner in the restaurant Blu was again fun with Brian and Sandy.  We had a waiter Elvis who had been our waiter on at least one other cruise and he was very funny.
Afterwards we went to the casino where Barb broke even and Ed gave most of his winnings this afternoon back.
Tomorrow we arrive at our last port, Plunket, Thailand and we have a tour set up so it should be fun.
Night for now.
Going out for the day

Time to go out for the evening

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