Tuesday, February 13, 2018

February 2018 – Day 7

After a great day yesterday and a good nights sleep we again woke up to great sunny weather – except it was too windy to go out on the upper decks.  Also, we lost an hour as we had to set the clocks ahead 1 hour last night.

So, we got up late, cleaned up and went to the casino to play in a slot tournament and neither of us won.  This was a tournament where all the invited guests for the blackjack tournament could play in a 1-minute slot tournament and the winner of all, received $100.  It was free, so we played
After the tournament, we went to each lunch and sat in a covered outside area in the back of the ship to stay outside but out of the wind.

During the rest of the afternoon we did find a place by the pool that was out of the wind, so we stayed there from 1pm – 3pm.

We arrived at the port of San Juan at about 5:30pm which was 2 hours later than scheduled because of the high winds so not much time for doing anything as we had to be back on the ship to meet Brian and Sandi for dinner at 8pm.  But, that was ok as we had just been here last month.  We walked around for a little while and did find the perfect Christmas ornament – surprise!!

Then it was back to the ship to relax before dinner.

We met Brian and Sandi at 8:30am for dinner in Blue which as usual was a nice dinner.

After dinner, we went to the show which was a couple who sang lots of great songs.  He was formerly a rock singer and she a country singer and they did lots of songs of all types.

Then it was onto the casino as it opened at 11:15pm after we had left San Juan.

At the casino, Ed won a little and Barb ended even
It’s early, only 1:30am but it is time to say good night as we have just left San Juan and heading to St. Thomas for all day tomorrow.


Going out for the day

The Celebrity Silhouette docked at San Juan

Ready for the evening

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