Wednesday, February 14, 2018

February 2018 – Day 8

St. Thomas – Happy Valentine’s Day!!

After Ed had breakfast, we went to Ash Wednesday service right on the ship and received our ashes on our foreheads and then it was time to go into St. Thomas.

In our opinion St Thomas is he #1 place in the Caribbean to buy jewelry!!  Thank goodness neither of us saw the need to buy anything today.  One of the reasons is that the jeweler that we trusted has retired.  We found out today that his son has opened a wholesale business and that his Mom was there.  When we got to the store, she was not there, and they didn’t know for sure when she would be back.  At least we know where they are when we travel back here someday.

We also went to see a lady named Jen.  We met Jen a lot of years ago when she had a small restaurant and we were in the food business.  She is also from Chicago.  We stopped in to see her - so that was fun.

Then we bought a bottle of Kahlua to bring it back on the ship – of course we put it in Coke bottles as you are not supposed to bring liquor on the ship and take it to your cabin.k and had lunch.  After that we spent 3 hours out in the sun – I think we are getting a tan!!  It sprinkled a couple of times, but not hard enough to move.

We watched the ship back out of its dock and turn and head out into the ocean for St. Martins, such a beautiful sight seeing an island as we sail away.

Then it was time to get dressed for the evening.

We first met Brian and Sandi in the theater for a production show by the cast that was very good.
Then we went to Blu to eat dinner and spend two hours just talking with them.  Brian and Sandi are one of the nicest couples that we have ever spent time with on a ship.  They are well travelled, our age and a lot of fun to be around and we enjoy them very much.

After dinner, it was time to go to the casino where Ed won nicely and so did Barb.  A good night in the casino.

As we sail away from St. Thomas, we are heading for out last island before turning and heading back to Ft. Lauderdale.

Night for now.

Ready to go out for the day

Switching out the Coke for Kahula 
Lunch on the back deck

Our 5:00 snack

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