Saturday, October 26, 2019

Day 11 – Saturday, October 26

We arrived early in the morning at St. Martin, one of our favorite islands.  Normally there are a huge number of cruise ships docked here, at least 4. 

Today, when we docked, we were the only ship here!

We got off at about 9am and shopped around the pier shops for a little bit and then took a cab to Orient Beach, one of our favorite beaches.

We had been here before just after the last hurricane and then a year ago.  The beach is slowly rebuilding but a lot of the businesses are just not here at all. 

Anyway, we had fun on the beach and ate at our beach chairs with take-out from one of the only restaurants that has re-built.

Then we took a cab back to the ship and packed for getting off the ship tomorrow.

We met Barb and Tim at 6pm in the casino before dinner and Ed lost a little and Barb didn’t play.

Dinner tonight was at one of the specialty restaurants, an Italian restaurant and the food was very good.

Then we went to the show and was just a fun fairy tale production number.

Finally we went to the casino for the last night and Ed won nicely and Barb broke even.

The comedian that we saw last night was having a late night adult comedy hour so we went to see him and he again was really, really funny.

Finally after midnight we went back to the cabin to finish packing for departure tomorrow and head back to the Marriott in San Juan.

Heading for home in one more day!!

Miss everyone.

Tea in the morning on our deck!!

Welcome to St.Martins

Our final night out on the ship

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