Sunday, October 27, 2019

Day 12 – Sunday, October 27

The ship was docked by the time we woke up and other than a brief rain shower at 8:30am, it was a perfect day.

Barb and Tim had what is called a Grand Suite and with that came the privilege of being escorted off the ship in a private group.  The person reasonable for that level of cabin also thought we were in one as it was his lounge that we had drinks and snacks in each night, walking in with Tim and Barb.

Our small group of people left at 8:30am and there was a fast lane for us to depart the ship, get our bags and get through security and customs.  We were probably 15 minutes from leaving the ship to our in a cab to the Marriott.   The regular lines were probably taking an hour to get out.

We had asked our contact at the Marriott to allow us to check in at 9:30am and our room was ready when we arrived.  Barb and Tim put their bags in our room and we took a Uber to Old San Juan so that Barb and Tim could have the famous Mallorca sandwich.  

After that early lunch we walked to the San Juan Cathedral for Sunday service.  It was in Spanish but we enjoyed it.  The church is the second oldest church in the Americas and it was in amazing condition.

After church, Barb and Tim went back to the hotel and we went to the gift shop for the church.  There we met a man who was working on the restoration of the church and he gave us a tour of the parts of the church that the public doesn’t get to see – it was wonderful.

Then we shopped for a bit before taking a Uber back to the hotel where we changed into swimming suits and went down to the big pool.

Barb and Tim left about 3:30pm for their flight back to DC and we later changed and went to dinner.
Dinner was a wonderful Puerto Rican meal. 

Then we played a session in the casino and Ed lost and Barb broke even. 

That’s all for our gambling on trip and while we didn’t win much, we did come out ahead.

We did get some bad news this afternoon,  a your friend, Mike Moss who we knew from our days at the Covered Bridge Festival lost his battle for life and passed away on Saturday – so sad to lose someone who was so young.  Our prayers go out to his wife and two children.

This will be our last blog before we get home; however, I will add videos later in the week.

About to leave the ship

Lunch of Mallorca sandwich

Getting ready to go into church

The door to the orginal part of the church

The view from our room and the Marriott

Dinner - Fish on top and pork on the bottom

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