Saturday, January 7, 2023

New Years 2023 Videos - Celebrity Apex


                                                A quick shower and a beautiful rainbow

                                                    The rock show on the main stage

                                                            Breakfast on the Apex

                                                    Jessie Hamilton Jr in the showroom

Friday, January 6, 2023

New Year’s 2023 – Day 10

This is our last day of the cruise and the morning was spent at sea.

At noon we landed in Nassau and 90% of the people got off the ship.

Since we have been here so many times and have seen everything, we decided to stay on the ship and simply relax and sit in the sun.

Of course, at 1:30pm, went to the Oceanview Café as it our custom and had lunch with our friends and sat around and talked for a bit.

Then it was back to the room to pack – ugh!!

After packing we cleaned up and went out on the ship to people watch and listen to music.

The show tonight was a cast production number called Rockumentary which was a fast-paced concert reliving decade after decade of rock music and it was very good. We have seen it before and it was certainly worth seeing again.

As usual, after the show was dinner at 8:30pm and we all had fun talking about the cruise and our future cruises together.

Then finally we went to the casino where Ed won and Barb lost a little.

As we were saying our goodbyes to the casino management staff, a person from Mexico who we had played with on an entire cruise pre-covid came over to say hi. He had seen us from across the tables and recognized us. What fun.

This is our list night on the ship and we will be home.

Currently we are leaving the ship at 7:30am, the flight to Atlanta is at 9:30am. Then we fly home leaving Atlanta at 2:02pm and arriving at the airport at 2:50pm

Everyone is well and it has been a fun cruise but now we are ready to come home.

Thanks for following along with our journey.



                                                                  Pool side on the top deck

                                                   We did get a tan!!
                                          Craig the Casino Manager - our third trip with him.

                                                            Our friend from Mexico

                       Galvin the Assistant Casino Manager - our third trip with him also.

                                                                  Going out for the last evening

                                 Irinqnka - we last cruised with her in 2018 and she is a Casino Supervisor


Thursday, January 5, 2023

New Year’s 2023 – Day 9

New Year’s 2023 – Day 9

It was our second to last day of the cruise and today we are at sea all day.

We reserved deck chairs for us and Jeff and Vera early and it was a good thing because the decks were very busy.

It sprinkled on us for just a minute and for the most part it was a beautiful sunny day with a few clouds. It was also raining in the distance and we saw a wonderful rainbow that lasted for a long time. We could see the rainbow looking like it was over the ship from the sea on each side.

Of course, at 1:30pm, we to the Oceanview Café as it our custom and had lunch with our friends and sat around and talked for a bit.

We then went to the casino to play in the slot tournament. Barb didn’t quality and Ed was in it until the last round when he was bumped out; however, our friend John did make it to the finals and he came in third. That was no good as they only paid 2 places!! But it was fun yelling and cheering on each other.

We went down early and played a session with our friends and Ed won and Barb lost a little.

Tonight, is the second evening chic night and we sat in the atrium watching all the people until it was time to go to dinner. We did not first go to the show as we had seen the pianist/singer before.

The dinner was very good and Barb was surprised with a birthday cake from the ship and of course the waiters singing happy birthday. She was surprised.

Then we went to the theater to see the late-night comedy show of the female comedian that we heard on the first night of the cruise. She was really very funny,

Then finally at 11:30am we went to the casino where Ed won and Barb did not play.

We set the clocks back one hour tonight so that will help with the sleep.

After tonight, one more night and we will be home.

Miss everyone – Nite.

The rainbow which was a total one

Vera giving Barb her present

Out for the afternoon

Waiting for the slot tournament to begin

Going out for the evening

One great hand

The staff celebratng Barbs birthday

and of course the birthday cake

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

New Year’s 2023 – Day 8

We had docked at the island of Tortola when we woke up. Once again it is forecast to be clear and in the 80’s.

This is a beautiful island very popular with sailboats and yachts and a great island to snorkel which we have done before.

Today, we just walked into town to look around and not really finding anywhere or anyghing of interest, we walked down to the waterfront in town.

Lots and lots of sailboats were tied up on the many piers in the harbor.

After walking around for a couple of hours, we went back to the ship and up on the deck to be in the sun.

We met everyone at 1:45pm on the back of the ship and spend a couple hours with them just relaxing.

The entertainment tonight a production show that we had seen before called The Tree of Life and since we had seen it several times and didn’t really like it so we skipped it and instead went the casino early where Ed broke even and Barb lost a little.

Then it was time to eat and we had an enjoyable dinner with our friends before going to a show in the entertainment venue called The Club which was smaller and more intimate. The show there tonight was the singer from a few nights ago, Jessie Hamilton Jr who was very, very good.

Then it was back to the casino, Ed won and Barb lost a little

Tomorrow is our last day at sea and it promises to be a very relaxing day.

It is also Barb’s birthday.

Nite and we will be home soon.

Going walking in Tortola

Dozens and dozens of yachts like this and bigger

The inside swimming pool

Time for an evening of music, eating and gambling - life is good!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

New Year’s 2023 – Day 7

Today is the island of St. Martin, which actually has two sides, the Dutch side and the French side.

The port is on the Dutch side and after we got off the ship we walked through the shops at the port and boarded a shuttle for the short 15-minute ride to the French side.

On the French side is one of our favorite beaches, Orient Beach and we stayed there until a little past Noon and that was all the sun we could take – it was very hot and about 82 degrees.

We met Jeff and Vera at 1:45pm on the back of the ship and spend a couple hours with them just relaxing.

The entertainment tonight were three singers and they were very good.

Then it was time to eat and we had an enjoyable dinner with our friends before going to the casino.

At the casino, Ed had another great win and Barb lost a little.

Tomorrow is the island of Tortola.

Night from somewhere on the ocean.

Ready to go to the Beach

Looking at the back of the ship

Two mega yachts parked next to our ship - both 100 Million ships

A windjammer type cruise ship parked close by

Going out for the evening.

A very nice win at blackjack tonight

Monday, January 2, 2023

New Year’s 2023 – Day 6

We awoke to another beautiful day and in the port of St. Thomas.

The dock for Celebrity cruises is a short ride from the main part of the city and all of the dozens and dozens of shops.

In addition, at the port has a shopping area that was made for the cruise industry.

After browsing through the shopping area next to the ship we took the shuttle to the main part and walked around.

Barb had broken two chains and so we were able to find nice replacements. The gold chain that was found was cheaper than having the broken chain repaired in Bloomington!

After shopping we took a shuttle back to the ship where we laid our in the sun until it was time for lunch at 1:30pm. All of our friends were back on the ship and we sat just talking until 4:00pm – what fun reliving past cruises and memories we each had.

The entertainment tonight was a singer and he was amazing and had the crowd on their feet several times.

Then it was time to eat and we had an enjoyable dinner before going to the casino.

At the casino, Ed won nicely and Barb lost a little.

That’s it for our day/night in St. Thomas and tomorrow we dock at St. Martins and go to the beach.

Leaving for the day

A still walker as part of the entertainers at the port

Just sunning its self by the port

More Iguanas

Barb eating Oxtail for lunch

Time to enjoy the evening


Sunday, January 1, 2023

New Year’s 2023 – Day 5

Once again it was a beautiful day as we woke up te 78 degrees and hardly any wind.

We stayed up on the sun deck until 1:30pm when we joined our friends on the back of the ship for a late lunch and of course ate way too much!!

We were originally supposed to dock in San Juan at 3:00pm; however, we did not actually dock until 4:00pm so were off the ship at 4:30p.

We spent the next couple of hours walking around Old San Juan just looking and trying to stay out of the way of all the people.

It was busier that we have ever, ever seen as there were 4 cruise ships town but we enjoyed the walk and bought a few things, but nothing major.

Then we came back to the ship, cleaned up and met our friends in the theater for the show.

Tonight’s entertainment was a magician and he was very good.

Then we went to dinner at 8:30pm as usual and then to the casino.

Tonight, at the casino Ed lost as did Barb.

That’s all for today and tomorrow we dock at a favorite island, St. Thomas.

Nite - Nite

                                                    Happy New Years cakes

                                                        Two of the other three ships in port

                                                    Getting ready to go out for the day

                                                Our ship on the left and the Osais of the Seas

                                                        Ready for the evening

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