Monday, January 2, 2023

New Year’s 2023 – Day 6

We awoke to another beautiful day and in the port of St. Thomas.

The dock for Celebrity cruises is a short ride from the main part of the city and all of the dozens and dozens of shops.

In addition, at the port has a shopping area that was made for the cruise industry.

After browsing through the shopping area next to the ship we took the shuttle to the main part and walked around.

Barb had broken two chains and so we were able to find nice replacements. The gold chain that was found was cheaper than having the broken chain repaired in Bloomington!

After shopping we took a shuttle back to the ship where we laid our in the sun until it was time for lunch at 1:30pm. All of our friends were back on the ship and we sat just talking until 4:00pm – what fun reliving past cruises and memories we each had.

The entertainment tonight was a singer and he was amazing and had the crowd on their feet several times.

Then it was time to eat and we had an enjoyable dinner before going to the casino.

At the casino, Ed won nicely and Barb lost a little.

That’s it for our day/night in St. Thomas and tomorrow we dock at St. Martins and go to the beach.

Leaving for the day

A still walker as part of the entertainers at the port

Just sunning its self by the port

More Iguanas

Barb eating Oxtail for lunch

Time to enjoy the evening


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gram lookin good in that floral dress and looks like yr feelin good too!

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