Sunday, January 1, 2023

New Year’s 2023 – Day 5

Once again it was a beautiful day as we woke up te 78 degrees and hardly any wind.

We stayed up on the sun deck until 1:30pm when we joined our friends on the back of the ship for a late lunch and of course ate way too much!!

We were originally supposed to dock in San Juan at 3:00pm; however, we did not actually dock until 4:00pm so were off the ship at 4:30p.

We spent the next couple of hours walking around Old San Juan just looking and trying to stay out of the way of all the people.

It was busier that we have ever, ever seen as there were 4 cruise ships town but we enjoyed the walk and bought a few things, but nothing major.

Then we came back to the ship, cleaned up and met our friends in the theater for the show.

Tonight’s entertainment was a magician and he was very good.

Then we went to dinner at 8:30pm as usual and then to the casino.

Tonight, at the casino Ed lost as did Barb.

That’s all for today and tomorrow we dock at a favorite island, St. Thomas.

Nite - Nite

                                                    Happy New Years cakes

                                                        Two of the other three ships in port

                                                    Getting ready to go out for the day

                                                Our ship on the left and the Osais of the Seas

                                                        Ready for the evening

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