Monday, February 27, 2023

Spring 2023 – Day 5

This is our first day at sea and the good news is that we are heading south.  The bad new is that it is still not warm enough to be outside sunning ourselves in the warm weather.  It’s close but not close enough.

So, we slept in and eventually left the room at 11:30am.  After walking around for a bit, we went to the Ocenview Café for a relaxing lunch.  Can’t sit outside, might as well eat!!

In the afternoon there was a blackjack tournament where Ed came in 8th to qualify for the tournament; however, they only took the top 7 to the finals.

While Barb played slots and didn’t do well, Ed won at Blackjack and while he was waiting for Barb won a nice amount at roulette

We then went back to our room to get ready for the evening which was the first Chic night.

As is our usual evening we:

Went to the lounge for drinks for a while before the show and then we went to the show which was a

theater production show called Broken Strings about friendships, laughter and music and it was very good.

We then had another great dinner in Luminae.  The quality of the food and service in this restaurant is certainly much better than the other restaurants on the ship.

Then finally we went to the casino where Barb lost a little and Ed had a very large win.

Night and tomorrow is another sea day and we hope for great weather.

                                            The morning view from our balcony

                                        Ready to go eat lunch

                            See the little pitcher -  the Butler refills it every day for Barb's Kahula drinks
                                Now that is exceptional service!!

                                            Ready for the  evening

                                            Halibut for dinner - it was very good

                                                            and finally desserts



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